Thursday, February 18, 2010

Am I being cruel? I sometimes think that if I don't be cruel people don't learn from their mistakes and chances are that people also take for granted things that are easily possessed. Being as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove really keeps my soul from trouble and harm.

Yet, Christ has called me to love my neighbour as myself but the 1st commandment is to love the Lord with all my heart,soul, mind and might. So I shall always remember to please the Lord 1st and not seek to please men for I've been trained not to be a 'men-pleaser'. If I choose to please men and in spite of their self-indulging, self-pleasing, self-seeking attitude, they will never learn what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness.

No excuse for young believers, for I was taught and trained, chastised and spurred the way that I'm treating other young believers. I hope they learn quick and not to quench the Holy Spirit. They have to understand what it means to be God-pleasers, to depart from evil and to fear God.

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