Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I question myself.......

All the time, generally about life and the question that arises along the way. What is right and what is wrong. Surely there is a distinct of both but how do we differ when it comes to devotion. How to measure devotion? Can intimacy be measured? Can we evaluate relationship?

The more I think about it, the more a complex person i become. I am adaptive in much situation and circumstances and behaviour and have acquired the skill of a shapechanger or a pretender. Maybe to some I have become a threat, but I am just being myself. Should I take side?

I should choose to live a genuine life. I don't live a lie. I just want to be myself, the way I was created to be. But all the more to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. This I always remind myself. That Jesus (Yes, all the Glory to God the Father and my Lord Christ Jesus) would be the focus and my example as fully God, fully Man.

The tendency of idolatry is bound to happen each time should I choose to turn my attention to the created rather than the Creator. Pride subtly creeps in without notice and soon come into realization when I take glory for the accomplishment. May I be reminded always that I must give an account of my earthly life when I return to the Lord someday.

Recently, the blessings of the Lord is showered upon me and keep on showering on me because I believe that if Jabez's prayer was answered God would answer my prayer too. The desperate cry of Jabez showed me that someone unsignificant like him can be blessed proves that God doesn't show favoritism. He indeed bless me; 1st of all to set things right and setting me on the right track again. I worship the Blesser, not the blessing. When I worship the Blesser, He gets the glory. If I worship the blessing, I have committed idolatry. So I must ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in discerning what it meant to be enjoying the blessing and not worshipping the blessing. Holy Spirit help me.

A new job, a new lifestlye, and a new purpose. But same Gospel, same family, same set of tools, gifts and talent.(There could be an addition, at the discretion of the Almighty if He finds me faithful for the good and faithful servant will be given more.....and more will be expected of him too) Yet U choose for me, and I shall not be in want Lord. I shall not be in want.

Yesterday, the Lord reminded me at a flash of mind that obedience is better than sacrifice. Just got me thinking that we are so forgetful as humans. So what are the important things that I should remember? and so I question myself.......

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